My Late Uncle made this bracelet.
His wife Meg has worn it everyday I can remember. I was honoured to be asked to restore it.
After years of wear, some links were broken and others were thinning, on the verge of breaking. This repair involved taking the entire bracelet apart. I wanted to retain as much material originally used by Alan; so rather than replace the links entirely, I chose to solder gold wire into each delicate corner.
Once each link was reinforced and polished, the bracelet was reassembled. The clasp was reshaped and a safety catch added. All the things needed to ensure the long life of a deeply sentimental item.
Here's the finished result below. I am happy to say Meg was very pleased with the repair. It was a little scary working with something so precious, but all the more satisfying to do.
Repairs are charged by materials used and time taken. Do get in touch with any enquiries via isabelwhite@hotmail.co.uk or on the services page HERE.
Thank you for looking!